Our friendly team are on hand to answer any questions you may have so don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
Stage 1: (up to 12 weeks)
The programme starts with an induction to allow students to become familiar and confident in their surroundings whilst building relationships with staff and peers. This phase is all about establishing relationships where young people can feel safe in their surroundings and the people around them. We begin to prepare a plan together which will form the bespoke personal road map enabling a student to begin their journey of learning and development at Pioneer.
Stage 2 (12 weeks):
Once a student is more settled they can make choices about what they would like to learn and which vocational areas and sports interest them most. They will have got to know their environment and the Pioneer community as well as begun to build relationships with the staff team and peer group.
Stage 3 (6 months until 16 years):
We make adjustments to the plan after consultation with the student as well as professionals. Provided there is evidence of good progress, students can apply for a role as a Junior Assistant Instructor (14-16 years) or a Senior Assistant Instructor (16-18 years) as well as undertake work experience in a vocational area.
Stage 4 (16-18 year olds / school leavers):
Entry into Stage 4 is subject to students having completed Stages 1 through 3. At Stage 4 students will have the opportunity to make further choices with regards to their chosen further education subjects and vocational career opportunities. At Pioneer, traineeships allow a student to access a variety of part-time paid work with continued access to education and training. This will enable students to transition into working life and develop the appropriate employability skills to maintain a full-time job in the future.
We work hard with both students and parents, guardians, or other agencies, to ensure that the programme is communicated effectively and that the student has the support network they need to become successful through their journey at Pioneer.

Individually tailored education
Pioneer offers a diverse, therapeutic education provision with a broad and balanced flexible curriculum that combines academic key skills as well as PSHE, science, art, music and vocational subjects.
The young people that come through our doors are all unique, which is why our education programme is individually tailored. This is essential for providing our students with skills for life, not just for accessing opportunities in the working world, but also developing their personal relationships too.
Having quality residential care combined with a practical based education and an activities programme that inspires and motivates, ensures that our young people engage and continue their education.
Students will have their own structured pathway, working at their own pace to reach their goals, with actual rewards and certifications at the end of it which they will know how to use to get a job, or even embark upon a career.
Engaging with our students about their own personal development is essential for their success through the Pioneer journey. Whatever their interests, we will try to accommodate them helping them to achieve their goals as well as develop skills.
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