Our friendly team are on hand to answer any questions you may have so don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
We believe strongly that fun is the key to learning, our training focusses on active learning and our students thrive through the activities and interests they develop. We will go the extra mile to ensure that a young persons interests are nurtured, developed and every opportunity for learning is seized.
With exciting and engaging training we ensure that every student learns to take care of their own equipment, clothing, prepare the area for activities, demonstrate positive social interactions, learn why rules and boundaries exist, how their actions have natural consequences and learn to live within a community.

Latest News and Updates
Pioneer TEC’s planning application for Phoenix Park's Training and Education Centre approved unanimously …... -
On the way to the Future of Phoenix Park...
The second phase of the project at Phoenix Park will begin in 2022. In addition to Pioneer TEC’s state-of-the-... -
Planning Application!
Pioneer TEC is about to submit a planning application to erect a brand new, state-of-the-art Training & Ed...